Mobile Strategies for Digital Publishing

It wasn’t so long ago that ‘mobile’ meant the kind of kinetic sculpture that artist Alexander Calder made his trademark.  In 2015, of course, ‘mobile’ is shorthand for a host of handheld wireless technologies that make it possible to live our lives in two worlds...

Candidates Hits Chicago And ALA Midwinter

Politics makes for heated conversations. Any warmth will be welcome in Chicago in late January, though, where the American Library Association is holding its annual Midwinter Meeting. There, the race for ALA President is underway and promising to be generate...

Obama Echoes Libraries For Free & Open Internet

In this week’s State of the Union address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, President Barack Obama promoted the value of education and entrepreneurship as well as pledged a response to global warming. But a major plank in the speech specifically singled out a...

We Are Charlie

The world is coming to see the murderous attack in Paris on the staff of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly magazine that regularly poked fun at Mohammed and mocked Islamic fundamentalists, as an assault on free speech and freedom of expression. While a dozen died in a...

Author Survey Weighs Risks, Rewards of Writing

In almost every war, the factions all imagine that God sides with each one of them. Last summer, as a war of words raged over e-book pricing, Hachette and Amazon each cited reasons why authors should stand with their business model and against the other’s. What’s an...

The Zuckerberg Book Club

The emphasis this week was on the book in Facebook. Company founder and Harvard drop-out Mark Zuckerberg announced intentions to share his personal reading list with Facebook friends and others. The new book-of-the-month club from the social media genius drew...

Belling The Amazon Cat

The lawyers amused themselves and their courtroom audience with a variety of picturesque, even playful images to describe the behavior of global leaders in technology and media. Apple’s encouragement of illegal price-fixing by publishers, said the US Deputy Solicitor,...

The Battle For Media Democracy

Under the United States Constitution, the First Amendment protects free speech from government restriction or interference. Yet government has a significant oversight role for a variety of media. In his new book, America’s Battle for Media Democracy, Victor Pickard...

What Apple Wants From Santa

When lawyers for Apple enter the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan next week, they will carry a brief that in its content is as hopeful as a child’s extravagant holiday wish list. Indeed, the attorneys for the computer and smartphone maker would seem to...

HarperCollins CEO Is “Person of the Year”

As December opens and the year approaches its end, ‘tis the season – for awards. In the publishing industry, Publishers Weekly is handing out the latest round of ribbons and medals. The magazine’s list of notables for 2014 in the book trade includes Fiona McRae,...

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