Supreme Appeals

William Howard Taft, the only American ever to serve both as President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, noted that “Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever.” That longevity has a lot to do with the lasting influence of...

Best Practices, Big Worries In PubWest Survey

The recent PubWest Best Practices Survey asked association members to share details on what works best for them in sales, marketing and distribution. In a discussion with CCC’s Chris Kenneally, PubWest executives Kent Watson and Zoe Katherine (Katie) Burke shared highlights that reflect the dynamic, if agitated business environment.

Votes Tallied for Best 2016 Political Books

Much is made of television debates and social media for their influence on voters, but even in the election of 2016, books remain critical. Those willing to read more than 140 characters are rewarded with insights and analysis beyond sound bites and gotcha moments gone viral. Publishers Weekly’s annual Spring Announcements – coming in the December 21 issue – lists the titles that get the editors’ votes.

Stocks No Place For Books

The stock market is no place to be if you’re in the bookselling business. This week, one listed company vanished from the trading roster, and another saw its share price fall as fast as a dropped copy of War & Peace. The nation’s largest bookselling chain Barnes...

Publishing Innovation The Lean Six Sigma Way

Measurement and analysis: These are fundamental activities in the laboratory. Together, they help to guide researchers toward discoveries and innovation. As elements in the Lean Six Sigma management doctrine, measurement and analysis help identify deficiencies in a...

PW’s Publishing Person of the Year

Literary figures as disparate as Germaine Greer and Hunter S. Thompson, Bret Easton Ellis and Margaret Thatcher, appear together on his publishing resume. Now, Sonny Mehta, editor-in-chief of Alfred A Knopf and chairman of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, can add...

Boundless Opens Up Textbooks

When it comes to technology on campus or in schools, there are really only two things to know – you’re either lucky to be inside the classroom or you’re on the outside praying to find a way in. Software, databases, and media technologies are every bit a part of the...

National Book Award Winners Include Johnson, Coates

Johnson, Coates, Lewis, and Shusterman. You’re forgiven for mistaking them as a white-shoe law firm representing authors or publishers in yet another high-stake copyright infringement case. Indeed, novelist Adam Johnson, journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, poet Robin Coste...

The Trouble With E-books

The notion that we live in publishing’s digital age faces a new challenge. Earlier this year, we learned that print may be getting a second wind. This week, the latest sales numbers from leading publishers show a decline in e-books. “The big question is, What is...

Amazon Books, From Clicks to Bricks

The future of bookselling would seem headed toward a single vanishing point: online, and specifically, Amazon. But recent developments raise hopes for publishers and readers that there will be alternatives. According to the American Booksellers Association, the number...

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