New Leadership At BISG

As the name suggests, the Book Industry Study Group has ambitions to be a home base for publishing professionals to share information. After 40 years, though, the BISG community is expecting the organization to do much more. Appointed executive director at BISG in...

A “Dangerous” Book Deal

A book contract with a leading publisher, together with a six-figure advance, are the cherished dreams of many authors. But when the author is a controversial figure like Milo Yiannapoulos, others say they feel like they’re in a nightmare. A Breitbart News contributor...

Publisher Tells DBW Market Is Stable

Along with ALA Midwinter, the publishing conference calendar for 2017 opened this week with a trimmed down and refocused Digital Book World show returning to New York City. As keynote speaker, Macmillan CEO John Sargent offered some candid remarks on the state of the...

Eradicating Library Deserts

There are more of these than the number of McDonald’s restaurants across the United States, more even than the number of towns and cities in all 50 states, yet they are hiding in plain sight. The inconspicuous and ubiquitous institution is the public library – as much...

Pallante To Lead Publishers

The revolving door was invented in New York City, but it was perfected in Washington, DC, where it possibly gets the most use of anywhere in the world. A once-prominent figure on Capitol Hill has again popped up in the busy neighborhood surrounding K Street. On...

As 2016 Ends, Librarians Look Ahead

In the weeks before the curtain falls on 2016, editors and reporters are madly making lists – not of gifts they wish for, but of stories from the last twelve months they can’t forget or stop talking about. 2016 has made an indelible mark, of course – in politics, in...

Politics Trumps Publishing

“The election of Donald Trump was not only a shock to the nation, but also to publishers, and many are now pivoting to put some books on Trump, and America in the Age of Trump, onto their Spring 2017 lists,” reports Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly...

WorldReader Brings Digital Library To Africa

A visit to the local library is a common ritual for families with young children. Even the smallest library’s shelves are stocked with many an armful of story books for bedtime. In developing countries across Africa, the physical library is a rare enough sight. Books...

Post-Election, Book Sales Rebound

Throughout the long and contentious US presidential election campaign, a nation’s attention was fixed on reading tweets and emails. Three weeks after the surprise result that will take Donald Trump to the White House for the next four years, publishers and booksellers...

Publishing’s Big Night Out

At the National Book Awards on Wednesday night, the program ran a close second to the winning authors for its diversity and its high entertainment quotient. The evening’s master of ceremonies, Larry Wilmore, brought to the gala the same sharp wit he had shown as host...

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