A Publisher and a Mensch

“I keep an eye on absolutely everything. I’m discovering things that I never, never knew about how the nuts and bolts of the business work.”

Amazon, Antitrust & The E-Commerce Railroad

Amazon has become a form of infrastructure for 21st-century commerce. If you’re an independent merchant or an independent producer, and you want to reach consumers in the 21st century digital markets, you have to ride Amazon’s rails.

Global Book Sales Hold Steady

An opportunity in NYC for international reporters to put down their notebooks and compare professional circumstances

Published By Kickstarter

What’s so great about this crowdfunding model is that titles that might not appeal to a mainline publisher are eminently suitable. And in the end, you’re delivering directly into the hands of the reader a publication whose every quality you can control.

A Digital Golden Rule Made Possible By Blockchain

We’re casting a light on the whole industry. A publishing partner is going to be able to see how the toy sales are going and how the ed-tech licensing deals are going and how the video game sales are going. They can adjust their product offering because of that transparency.

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