Ranking & Rebooting Publishing

A ranking of top players in publishing isn’t only a numbers game. Assessing the current state of the market in the middle of a pandemic and in the throes of digital transformation requires complex calculations far beyond spreadsheets.

Race and Racism in Academic Publishing: A Case Study from Elsevier – Part 2

In a two-part special program, Copyright Clearance Center and Elsevier explore how race and racism shape the academic knowledge system. This concluding segment considers how a publisher should respond to calls for change to eradicate racism in academic publishing and whether that change is happening fast enough.

Race and Racism in Academic Publishing: A Case Study from Elsevier – Part 1

In a two-part special program, Copyright Clearance Center and Elsevier explore how race and racism shape the academic knowledge system. This first segment considers the internal challenges facing publishers and editors – from policies around terminology to processes that govern the selection of editorial boards.

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