Rise of the Hybrid Author

The first wave of independent publishing in the digital age promised a golden age of reading and writing. Many caught up in the excitement were swift to proclaim the demise of traditional publishing models. What we see in 2015 is a world that has found room for both...

Content, Copyright & (Global) Commerce

Across the world of publishing, change is underway. Book publishing and distribution are fundamentally different than even a few years ago – and opportunity at a global scale is available to all sizes of publishers. With a combination of digitally-driven...

What’s Next For OA?

Open Access publishing models are a business reality in 2015 for an ever-growing number of scientific and scholarly publishers. Article Processing Charges (APCs) are making OA possible, but the revolutionary changes propelled by Open Access business models touch every...

From STM, Tech Trends for 2015

At its annual spring conference in Washington last week, the STM Association launched Technology Trends for 2015. Members of STM’s Future Lab Committee earlier had met to identify issues and challenges in scholarly and scientific publishing, then forecast areas of...

The Copyright Conundrum

Publishing today confronts a paradox: The digital revolution has transformed the act of copying from complicated to commonplace; yet authors and publishers must rely upon copyright – essentially, control over copy-making and distribution of their works – as the...

Indie Publishing: Who Holds the Power?

Once upon a time, authors and publishers – along with readers and booksellers – knew their separate places in the book world, and stuck to them. The distribution of power was uneven, maybe even unfair, but the pecking order seemed to make sense. Then, the revolution...

Best of BTB: They Know What You Read

Earlier this month, Rakuten — Japan’s e-commerce giant, akin to Amazon in the US – announced it would acquire Cleveland-based Overdrive, a supplier of digital content to libraries. In January at the Digital Book World Conference, Overdrive’s David Burleigh and...

The Shape Of User Demand

Along what once was called the information superhighway, platforms and technologies are the vehicles and the roads. These together require smooth-running traffic patterns. Just as railroads run alongside rivers, and thoroughfares line up with but never cross airport...

Publishers Forum “Reconstructing Publishing”

For reasons both challenging and exciting, the digital transformation of the book industry has closed the spaces separating competitors and colleagues across the spectrum of media. Indeed, the annual Publishers Forum bears a name that somewhat obscures its ambitions....

Building Story in the Physical World

On Friday, in an opening keynote address to the PubWest 2015 Conference, Joe Rohde, creative executive, Walt Disney Imagineering made a case that narrative lies at the center of every human endeavor, not only publishing and other media. “Narrative is human nature. It...

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