Mass Digitization – Progress, Goals, and Roadblocks

Technology companies today are willing and able to digitize copyrighted works on a scale never imagined before. Copyright owners have raised concerns over their right to do so, and the consequences of mass digitization on publishers’ businesses and accessibility of...

Books from Boxes?

Where will we find the next generation of book bestsellers? In 2015, readers and booksellers were delighted by discoveries of half-century old manuscripts that yielded Go Set A Watchman, a novel from the reclusive Harper Lee, and What Pet Should I Get?, by the beloved...

Video Series Making It on the Web

“What Makes the Web Viable?” is one of those questions only college sophomores and media conference moderators can dare to ask and further dare to answer. Many – maybe all –  filmmakers and other creators attending last week’s Digital Hollywood in Los...

Authors, Front & Center

For the opening of CCC’s annual “Town Meeting” on Open Access at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the shift underway in scholarly publishing to an author-centric world took center stage. In a one-on-one “keynote” interview last Thursday morning, CCC’s Chris Kenneally spoke...

Open Access, The Next Wave

The Next Wave of Open Access is coming on fast. Scholarly publishing must move beyond a single-issue focus on Article Processing Charges to address end-to-end solutions that engage authors throughout the workflow. At a Frankfurt Book Fair panel discussion organized...

Best of BTB: Open Access: Who Holds the Power?

Copyright Clearance Center welcomes you to join us for another Frankfurt Book Fair Town Meeting on Open Access, on Thursday, October 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. in Hall 4.C – Alliance Function Room. For 2015, CCC is asking what the “Next Wave” of Open Access will bring to...

Best of BTB: The Force Remaking Scholarly Publishing

Copyright Clearance Center welcomes you to join us for another Frankfurt Book Fair Town Meeting on Open Access, on Thursday, October 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. in Hall 4.C – Alliance Function Room. For 2015, CCC is asking what the “Next Wave” of Open Access will bring to...

Business Readers In Search of Rigor And Relevance

What do readers hire us to do?  The editors of one of the world’s most recognized and respected business publications asked themselves just that over five years ago.  Answering the question inspired a transformation of the organization and a reinvention of the brand....

Best of BTB: Content, Copyright & (Global) Commerce

Across the world of publishing, change is underway. Book publishing and distribution are fundamentally different than even a few years ago – and opportunity at a global scale is available to all sizes of publishers. With a combination of digitally-driven...

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