At Frankfurt, Vitek Tracz Predicts Next Moves for Open Access

A “Picasso” says Richard Smith, and a “seer of science publishing,” declares Science. “One of the most important publishers of the last decade,” according to Michael Eisen, Public Library of Science (PLOS) co-founder. A serial entrepreneur, an art collector, a...

Frankfurt Book Fair Arrives With More Than Books

We may live in a global village, but authentically global events that unite us across borders are as rare as diamonds. For athletes and their fans, there is the quadrennial spectacle of the Olympics. For authors, publishers and lovers of literature, the book world has...

American Immigrant Stories

This fall, Beyond the Book marks its tenth year as podcast series. On the occasion of the Independence Day holiday in the United States, we reach into the BTB archives for a 2006 Miami Book Fair panel discussion, “Family Secrets, Family Truths: American Immigrant...

Global Lessons In Polish Multimedia Publishing

The rise of mobile media devices – smartphones and tablets – presents a  fascinating, perplexing challenge. The digitization of media transports the book  from the printed page to a screen — placing it adjacent to every and all other media. How well the book can...

A Keyword Cloud Aids Book Discovery

At last month’s London Book Fair special presentation on “The Data Dilemma,” Jim Bryant, Founder and CEO of Trajectory, Inc., noted that, “book discovery is one of the biggest problems facing publishing.” An intelligent network connecting publishers to...

STM Tech Trends Are Strong Currents

As the world marks the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare, lines from Julius Caesar have bearing on the world of scientific and scholarly publishing. There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the...

Researchers Facing “Irrelevance Crisis”

At last month’s London Book Fair special presentation on “The Data Dilemma,” Sybil Wong, Ph.D., Head of Marketing and Communications for Sparrho, called attention to the “irrelevance crisis” facing researchers in the lab and on campus. “208,000 new articles are...

Identifying your Publishing DNA

The human genome is a sequence of billions of pieces of DNA, the biological database that makes us who we are. All members of the human family share the same genome, and the countless possible variations account for our individual identities. At the recent annual...

The Data Dilemma

Of the world’s vast collection of data –information and creative works in every imaginable form, physical as well as digital — 90% came into existence in the last two years. Big Data holds big promise for science, business and the human condition to create new value,...

At London, The Next Wave in OA Is Author Services

In 2016, the challenge for scholarly publishing is less about access for articles and more than ever about success for authors, individually and collaboratively. Yesterday at the London Book Fair, editors and executives from traditional publishers and innovative...

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