STM’s Pinball Wizards

Researchers today find themselves faced with many demands on their time and career: Rising competition for tenure, grants, and positions, on the one side, and mushrooming quantities of articles and data on the other.

At IBPA, A Free Speech Debate

In times of political division and heightened concerns for the future, particularly around free speech and intellectual freedom, what are the roles independent publishers and authors should play? In such times, what are the responsibilities of independent publishers and authors?

The Road to Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is not a destination. It is a journey. And heading down the road to digital transformation can certainly feel like traveling without a guide or a map. By 2020, Gartner estimates, three out of four businesses will be digital or have digital...

The Winning Move for Open Access

Publishing and chess would not seem obvious soulmates, but they share much in common. Like chess masters, publishers almost never make a quick strike that leads to victory. It’s possible to win chess in as few as two moves, though most tournaments last much longer. At...

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