The Global Licensing Landscape

At last week’s Buying & Selling Content 2015, attendees heard presenters from start-ups, international marketing agencies and leading publishers enumerate the new rules of buying and selling content. From data licensing and copyright to mobile, apps, and SaaS...

They Know What You Read

The owners of ebook platforms now have unprecedented and previously unattainable knowledge about how people read. They literally see every time an ebook is opened; on what device it is being opened; how fast it is read; and whether passages or entire works are...

Best of BTB: Recycle, Remix, Resell

From the title, you might think we attended an environmental conference for a session looking at waste management as a strategy to drive incremental profitability. Instead, the program was a part of CONTEC 2014, held just before the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair....

The Researcher’s Dilemma

Say the word research, and what do most people think of?  Well, teenagers, at least, and many, many older people who should know better think of Google, of course – or maybe Wikipedia.  But if your idea of research is a key word search online and a tap of the return...

How To Tame Internet Dragons

Like it or not we exist in a world dominated by the Internet, which once promised to be a democratizing force, but is now dominated by sprawling corporate gatekeepers such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. What are the dangers to artistic freedom and a diverse...

Recycle, Remix, Resell

From the title, you might think we attended an environmental conference for a session looking at waste management as a strategy to drive incremental profitability. Instead, the program was a part of CONTEC 2014, held just before the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair....

Open Access: Who Holds the Power?

Frankfurt is the birthplace of book fairs, and of sturm und drang –  or at least, it is the birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, born in Frankfurt in 1749. Goethe embodied German Romanticism, which enobled sturm und drang – storm and stress – as the iron-hard...

The Right Place for Rights

Deal or no deal? That’s always the most common — and the most important — question at the Frankfurt Book Fair. For the hundreds of publishers, agents and organizations who will attend the world’s largest gathering of executives in the book...

Best of BTB: The “New” Agents

For the book business in 2014, everything is new – for proof, turn to the news media, which breathlessly covers the breaking stories as if filing dispatches from a war. Self-publishing particularly receives attention, and is often pitched as a David and Goliath tale....

Hey, Author: You’re Promoted to CEO

As the independent publishing boom swells further, more authors are seizing the opportunity to take control of their writing careers. And while that move may offer potential for greater financial reward and even greater personal satisfaction, it means more work, too....

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