BTB #271: Now At CCC, Michael Healy Looks To Future

As Copyright Clearance Center expands its business models to address a broader set of licensing issues facing its customers, Michael Healy, the newly-appointed Executive Director of Author & Publisher Relations is expected to be instrumental. In September 2011,...

BTB #264: Setting Goals For Self-Publishing

The work of a book author has long been a solitary one. But in 2011, more authors are on their own than ever before – and many like it that way. From Amanda Hocking to Seth Godin – who each have recently self-published best-selling books – the ranks of DIY writers...

BTB #262: Reading in the Key of E

Recorded live on Sunday, November 20, at 2011 Miami Book Fair International, a global look at books and reading in the digital age. Featured speakers are Ami Greko of Kobo, and Ana Maria Cabanellas, Argentine publisher and leading figure in the International...

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