BTB #319: Copyright Is Everywhere

In a networked world, every transaction between content creators and content users is a rights transaction. Copyright is everywhere. And though some would like to do so, no one in publishing and the media can afford to ignore the often-passionate debate and the...

BTB #317: Authors Take Charge

In 2008, book industry veteran Kristen McLean began research for a book seeking to answer the question “How many decision-makers have to touch a book on its way to market?” Even within a major publishing house, she realized, most people didn’t know the answer to this...

BTB #312: What You Should Know About “Open Access”

“Open Access” (OA) is the single catchphrase for an innovative set of business models expressly created for the World Wide Web. Though the term sounds monolithic, it sweeps up a great many approaches to a single challenge: Sharing knowledge. On Wednesday, September 5,...

BTB #310: Copyright Now A Corporate Social Responsibility

Professional ethics should not be an oxymoron – that’s the contention of Michael Rasmussen, a business analyst who was the first to define and model the Governance, Risk, and Compliance market for products and professional services. Today, a growing number of...

BTB #309: Copyright & The Cartoonist

From his studio in Seattle, “The Oatmeal” cartoonist-humorist Matthew Inman posts online his views on everything from Sriracha hot sauce to designs for “how a movie theater should be laid out.” But when he discovered his work re-posted to Funnyjunk, an...

BTB #308: STM E-Books Forecast 2012

Across all of book publishing, the journey from print to digital is about much more than form factor. In the professionally-focused STM sector, publishers of scientific, technical and medical texts face are reckoning with seismic shifts in the way their content is...

BTB #299: E-magination 2012

Recorded in San Francisco at PublishingUniversity 2012, and presented by the Independent Book Publishers Association. Panelists Molly Birckhead, Senior Online Marketing Manager, HarperOne; Allen Noren, VP Online, O’Reilly Media; and Cynthia Shannon, Publicity...

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