What’s Next For OA?

Open Access publishing models are a business reality in 2015 for an ever-growing number of scientific and scholarly publishers. Article Processing Charges (APCs) are making OA possible, but the revolutionary changes propelled by Open Access business models touch every...

The Copyright Conundrum

Publishing today confronts a paradox: The digital revolution has transformed the act of copying from complicated to commonplace; yet authors and publishers must rely upon copyright – essentially, control over copy-making and distribution of their works – as the...

On Double Duty: Open Standards & Open Access

In laboratories and universities, Open Access can make for a two-headed menace.  Funding mandates for publishers and authors that require Open Access policies feed one head of this double dragon. Compliance reporting obligations for institutions feed the other. “We...

Rights On The Money

In the book world, the shoeboxes are legendary. They are where so many authors’ contracts and other legal instruments often ended up – an ad hoc filing system that worked reliably well, at least in the days before digital. Rights and permissions staff long struggled...

Making Open Access Work

For scholarly and scientific publishing, business models are shifting and changing dramatically. Research funding organizations primarily in the UK and US, but elsewhere in Europe and Asia as well, increasingly require unfettered access for the public to the research...

Mobile Strategies for Digital Publishing

It wasn’t so long ago that ‘mobile’ meant the kind of kinetic sculpture that artist Alexander Calder made his trademark.  In 2015, of course, ‘mobile’ is shorthand for a host of handheld wireless technologies that make it possible to live our lives in two worlds...

The Global Licensing Landscape

At last week’s Buying & Selling Content 2015, attendees heard presenters from start-ups, international marketing agencies and leading publishers enumerate the new rules of buying and selling content. From data licensing and copyright to mobile, apps, and SaaS...

They Know What You Read

The owners of ebook platforms now have unprecedented and previously unattainable knowledge about how people read. They literally see every time an ebook is opened; on what device it is being opened; how fast it is read; and whether passages or entire works are...

Best of BTB: Recycle, Remix, Resell

From the title, you might think we attended an environmental conference for a session looking at waste management as a strategy to drive incremental profitability. Instead, the program was a part of CONTEC 2014, held just before the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair....

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