BTB #218: Tips For E-Book Success

A first-hand report on the e-book revolution from Angela James, executive editor of Carina Press, the “digital first” imprint from Harlequin. A prolific blogger, James is leading the charge to create a business model for e-books in trade publishing....

BTB #217: The Second Web

Yesterday, to close out the NFAIS 2011 Conference, John Blossom gave the Final Keynote, presenting his thesis of a “Second Web,” a Web that moves beyond the digital and virtual toward a Web that “Works Like the World.” The founder of Shore...

BTB #216: Publishing, Dead or Alive?

Attend enough conferences on the future of publishing, and pretty soon, you start to wonder if the future of publishing is conferences about the future of publishing. The small talk and the big presentations alike often portray an industry that is diplomatically...

BTB #213: Two Paths, One Goal

One year into the iPad era, publishers, application developers and device makers remain in search of the holy grail: monetization of content. Two recent announcements from Apple and Google put their respective solutions on two divergent tracks. Joining Beyond the Book...

BTB #212: For E-Books, an ISBN Dilemma

Not so long ago, a book was an unmistakable object. Then someone came along and started digitizing content, and very soon, books were something else, something much more than ink on dead trees. That transformation, indeed the redefinition of books, matters enormously...

BTB #210: Why E-Textbooks Make Sense

The reasons to welcome the arrival of e-textbooks are many, say a leading textbook authors’ representative and a literary agent with extensive experience in the field. Richard Hull, executive director of the Text & Academic Authors Assoc., and his TAA...

BTB #206: ‘Merchants of Culture’ Revealed

“Books are not reading devices” warns John B. Thompson, a Sociology professor at the University of Cambridge and author of “Merchants of Culture” (Polity Press), the first major study of trade book publishing since the digital transformation...

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