BTB #312: What You Should Know About “Open Access”

“Open Access” (OA) is the single catchphrase for an innovative set of business models expressly created for the World Wide Web. Though the term sounds monolithic, it sweeps up a great many approaches to a single challenge: Sharing knowledge. On Wednesday, September 5,...

BTB #310: Copyright Now A Corporate Social Responsibility

Professional ethics should not be an oxymoron – that’s the contention of Michael Rasmussen, a business analyst who was the first to define and model the Governance, Risk, and Compliance market for products and professional services. Today, a growing number of...

BTB #309: Copyright & The Cartoonist

From his studio in Seattle, “The Oatmeal” cartoonist-humorist Matthew Inman posts online his views on everything from Sriracha hot sauce to designs for “how a movie theater should be laid out.” But when he discovered his work re-posted to Funnyjunk, an...

BTB #298: Innovator’s Guide to Copyright

In the new-fangled digital world, what every author and publisher needs is a good, old-fashioned copyright! At least, that’s the view of Skott Klebe, Manager of Special Initiatives at Copyright Clearance Center, who will speak at BookExpo America on Wednesday, June 6...

BTB #291: Not Sharing, Not Stealing – Infringement

At the recent OnCopyright 2012 conference, Robert Levine explained for the audience in a keynote speech how the commonly used language of copyright shapes the debate and makes for confusion on the fundamentals “I don’t think copyright infringement is stealing,”...

BTB #286: Howkins Keynotes OnCopyright 2012

“New ideas, not money or machinery, are the source of success today,” notes author and business consultant John Howkins. In the book, The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas, and his subsequent work, Howkins has called attention to the economic value of...

BTB #285: News from Digital Book World

Like the clans gathering for the St. Patrick’s Day parade, the houses came together in New York on March 13 for the annual meeting of the Association of American Publishers. The audience at the McGraw-Hill auditorium on Sixth Avenue heard the book business’s near-term...

BTB #284: Besek Previews OnCopyright 2012

Join Copyright Clearance Center at Columbia Law School’s Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts on Friday, March 30, as we focus on the health and future of the global, creative economy, at a time of changing technology, economic uncertainty, and a mixed...

BTB #283: Predicting the Present

Predicting the future is a dangerous proposition, but predicting the present isn’t necessarily any easier a task. In his closing keynote presentation to the recent NFAIS 2012 Conference, Joseph Esposito echoed science fiction author William Gibson, who said, “The...

BTB #282: Henican OnCopyright 2012

If you’re a lawyer, you call it, “I-P.” If you work in Hollywood, or at a big Manhattan publishing house, you call it, “entertainment” or “information.” And if you’re an avid reader, a loyal theatre-goer, or a music fan, you call it a very important part of your life....

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