UK Copyright Hub Launches

Today, July 8, in partnership with a dozen leading media and copyright organizations, including Copyright Clearance Center, the UK Copyright Hub launches its first phase of an ambitious effort to leverage technology to make copyright work. “What we really looked at...

Digital Backlist Rights Fight

2013 is a milestone year for copyright.  On January 1, US copyright law began to allow authors or their families to terminate valid contracts signed after January 1, 1978, once 35 years have elapsed.  The revolution in digital publishing that has begun to tip the...

Universities Face Open Access Challenge

As the demand for Open Access (OA) journals and articles increases, so has the frequency with which academic institutions are submitting payments for APCs (article processing charges) to publishers. As a result, universities face a number of challenges new to the...

Copyright Reform Next?

Publishers prepare to pack for London, while the Supreme Court sends John Wiley & Sons packing with a copyright-related ruling that the First Sale doctrine applies as well in Bangkok as it does in Berkley. Ahead of the London Book Fair, running from April...

Managing Copyright Today

Digital change—and the resulting explosion in ways of combining and using content—puts the increasingly complex issue of rights and rights management at the heart of today’s publishing business. Understanding and managing copyright in the 21st century, a...

BTB #325: Copyright-Friendly Textbooks

Copyright frequently has a way of outpacing technology. The two forces of innovation all too rarely intersect, at least for many authors and publishers. But a month-old startup with ambitions to revolutionize textbook publishing has made copyright permissions an...

BTB #319: Copyright Is Everywhere

In a networked world, every transaction between content creators and content users is a rights transaction. Copyright is everywhere. And though some would like to do so, no one in publishing and the media can afford to ignore the often-passionate debate and the...

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