A New World of Subsidiary Rights

Long ago, publishers built the first global networks, even if they didn’t call them that. They were bookstores and warehouses. Publishing still relies on interlocking networks and exchanges, but in 2015 they are virtual and digital. Rights are the essential links in...

Open Access: Which Direction? (II)

This spring, the Research Councils UK, on behalf of the Global Research Council (GRC) and working together with the British Library, hosted a London workshop that brought together publishers, funders, libraries and other stakeholders from across the world to discuss...

Open Access: Which Direction?

Fast and furious: That describes the change underway in scholarly publishing. Keeping up with the pace – and preparing for what lies around the corner – are critical challenges. Across a wide range of journals and houses, Open Access business models have grown common...

Picture Perfect Fair Use?

When is a photograph not a photograph?  When it is a work of art by Richard Prince, a master of rephotography and other appropriation practices.  Riddles that puzzle over ownership and originality have preoccupied Richard Prince for four decades.  Those same riddles,...

Overcoming OA Workflow Challenges

From manuscript submission to publication and beyond, the virtues of a seamless workflow are many. In a recent webinar, Copyright Clearance Center welcomed Josh Dahl of ScholarOne, the highly-regarded peer-review and online submission platform for scholarly publishers...

Content, Copyright & (Global) Commerce

Across the world of publishing, change is underway. Book publishing and distribution are fundamentally different than even a few years ago – and opportunity at a global scale is available to all sizes of publishers. With a combination of digitally-driven...

Open Access Market Report

For scholarly publishing, the future is wide open. Across a wide range of journals and houses, Open Access business models have grown common in recent years. Heated debate on the merits of OA has cooled, while publishers accepted the inevitability of choosing “green”...

What’s Next For OA?

Open Access publishing models are a business reality in 2015 for an ever-growing number of scientific and scholarly publishers. Article Processing Charges (APCs) are making OA possible, but the revolutionary changes propelled by Open Access business models touch every...

The Copyright Conundrum

Publishing today confronts a paradox: The digital revolution has transformed the act of copying from complicated to commonplace; yet authors and publishers must rely upon copyright – essentially, control over copy-making and distribution of their works – as the...

On Double Duty: Open Standards & Open Access

In laboratories and universities, Open Access can make for a two-headed menace.  Funding mandates for publishers and authors that require Open Access policies feed one head of this double dragon. Compliance reporting obligations for institutions feed the other. “We...

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