World IP Day Celebrates Creativity

April 26 is World IP Day – an occasion for reflection on the centrality of intellectual property in our lives today. As organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization, World IP Day explores the issues of our collective, global cultural future. Digital...

London Book Fair Countdown

Approaching April, the book business sets course for London and the city’s annual Book Fair. Copyright Clearance Center hosts special programming on “The Next Wave” for Open Access publishing and examines “The Data Dilemma.” You are invited to join the discussion...

Mass Digitization – Progress, Goals, and Roadblocks

Technology companies today are willing and able to digitize copyrighted works on a scale never imagined before. Copyright owners have raised concerns over their right to do so, and the consequences of mass digitization on publishers’ businesses and accessibility of...

All-in-One Conference: Copyright and Technology

It’s a truism in intellectual property that copyright legislation is in a never-ending race with technology, and always playing catch-up. When copyright and technology first found themselves in this circular arrangement, the disruptive technology of the moment was the...

Authors, Front & Center

For the opening of CCC’s annual “Town Meeting” on Open Access at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the shift underway in scholarly publishing to an author-centric world took center stage. In a one-on-one “keynote” interview last Thursday morning, CCC’s Chris Kenneally spoke...

Open Access, The Next Wave

The Next Wave of Open Access is coming on fast. Scholarly publishing must move beyond a single-issue focus on Article Processing Charges to address end-to-end solutions that engage authors throughout the workflow. At a Frankfurt Book Fair panel discussion organized...

Copyright for Literate Robots

What is it that robots cannot do? In 2015, robots not only build our automobiles, but they also can drive them. Robots vacuum floors and work alongside human beings in warehouses. And sleepless, tireless robots read everything they find on the web. When they are found...

Is Open Access Coming for Scholarly Books?

Most academics today expect to find Open Access research in scholarly journals, yet there are a growing number of OA books published each year, too. Is Open Access the answer to the question, “What is the future of long-form scholarly publishing?” A recent survey from...

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