BTB #163: Copyright Law No Day At the Beach in 2010

As an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fred von Lohmann watches new technology and copyright law and move in separate but related waves. This is true today with digital media, as he sees it, but was also true in the past, when broadcast radio and...

BTB #162: Caught in a ‘Copyright War’?

What does it mean to be caught in a “copyright war”? If such a culture war is what we have, when and how might it end? One man up to the charge of answering these weighty questions is William Patry, considered the most prolific scholar of copyright in U.S. history. In...

BTB #160: New Media: A Problem for Copyright?

The rise of social media and the consequences for copyright got a close examination earlier this month at the Tools of Change conference presented by O’Reilly Media. Copyright Clearance Center’s Edward Colleran hosted a panel discussion on the subject and...

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