Apr 18, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
At a moment in American political life when so much about Washington seems dysfunctional, the prospects for copyright reform of any hue – red, blue, or some shade between – appear far off. Yet according to Lois Wasoff, a leading copyright and publishing attorney,...
Apr 11, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
As an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fred von Lohmann watches new technology and copyright law and move in separate but related waves. This is true today with digital media, as he sees it, but was also true in the past, when broadcast radio and...
Mar 28, 2010 | Best of VOC, Copyright, Podcasts
What does it mean to be caught in a “copyright war”? If such a culture war is what we have, when and how might it end? One man up to the charge of answering these weighty questions is William Patry, considered the most prolific scholar of copyright in U.S. history. In...
Mar 21, 2010 | Best of VOC, Copyright, Podcasts
As a professor and novelist, David Shields collects quotes and book excerpts that spur him to reflection and even inspiration. This spring, that habit produces the surprisingly controversial new work, Reality Hunger: A Manifesto, which Shields discussed with Chris...
Mar 14, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
The rise of social media and the consequences for copyright got a close examination earlier this month at the Tools of Change conference presented by O’Reilly Media. Copyright Clearance Center’s Edward Colleran hosted a panel discussion on the subject and...
Mar 7, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
At the recent Tools of Change conference, Outsell lead analyst Ned May launched a report on “The State of Copyright in the Digital Age – What Is A Publisher to Do?” The number-crunching yields 370 billion “information sharing events” in a single year across the US,...
Feb 26, 2010 | Best of VOC, Copyright, Digital Transformation, Podcasts
Sounding more like a college economics professor than a bestselling sci-fi author, Cory Doctorow offers his suggestions for how publishers should arrive at the “right price” for e-books. As for copyright, he defends “fair use” and questions...
Feb 14, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
In an interview recorded last month at Digital Book World on the morning before Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad, Evan Schnittman tells Chris Kenneally that even in a world dominated by bits and bytes, “Print is not going away. Print is a different metaphor, it’s a...
Feb 12, 2010 | Copyright, Podcasts
A class action lawsuit of historic scope. An Internet Goliath. Thousands of authors, publishers and other rightholders. National governments and multi-national corporations. These are the ingredients of a dish called the Google Book Settlement. First announced in...
Dec 10, 2009 | Copyright, Podcasts
Responding to concerns voiced by authors, publishers and the U.S. Department of Justice, the parties in the Google Book Search Copyright Class Action filed a revised settlement proposal on November 13, 2009. On December 10, Lois Wasoff returned to Copyright Clearance...