David PakmanIn this half hour program, Christopher Kenneally, Director of Author & Creator Relations for Copyright Clearance Center, sits down with David Pakman, CEO of eMusic, to discuss how publishers should adapt to new and changing digital channels for audio and beyond.

eMusic has been a pioneer in offering customers digital content in open formats since 1998 and is the world’s largest seller of MP3 music and audiobooks. After testing DRM-free audiobooks on eMusic, Random House recently announced that it would cease to use DRM (digital rights management) on its digital files – a major reversal and one with huge implications for the publishing industry. Although DRM has long been publishers’ answer to piracy prevention, eMusic is now calling on publishers and other content owners to follow Random House’s lead.

Pakman discusses why selling consumers media in the format they want does not result in increased piracy, the dangers of a single dominant digital retailer and ways publishers can increase sales in the digital age.

For more information about eMusic, please click here (PDF). For more about their MP3 Audiobook Catalog, please click here (PDF).

This program was originally recorded at this year’s BookExpo America in Los Angeles.

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