Ed ColleranWeb 2.0 has presented an entirely new set of challenges as we deal in a world where user generated content is the norm and new content delivery schemes are rapidly changing. Mashups, blogs and RSS feeds to name a few are enabling content to be delivered to our desktops in new and unique ways.

Copyright 2.0-Rights Implications and User-generated Content, moderated by Ed Colleran of Copyright Clearance Center, delves into somewhat uncharted territory as we hear from experts from all sides of the equation sharing their own experiences with these new rights challenges and their observations of how things might pan out in the future.

Colleran is joined by Dan Gisolfi from IBM Software Group, Robert Lands of Finers Stephens Innocent LLP, and Greg Merkle of Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group.

For more insight on Copyright 2.0 strategies, click here to download an article written by Karen Christensen, CEO Berkshire Publishing Group.

SIIA LogoThis podcast was originally recorded at the Software and Information Industry Association conference in Berlin on September 6, 2007

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