In the rapidly developing world of AI uses and discussions, copyright issues are key.

From Large Language Models (LLMs) to other research-based applications, AI technologies rely on millions of books, scholarly journals, and other curated publications. Responsibly using these works is a foundational part of the discussion, and solutions like voluntary collective licensing can provide an efficient and compelling way to enable authorized uses and reduce the risk of infringement related to technologies that are developed with machine-readable content.

On Thursday, October 12, 2023, CCC presented a Town Hall special program on voluntary collective licensing, its significance to research in many fields, and the role it can play to drive innovation in science and technology, including AI.

During the program, CCC’s General Counsel Catherine Zaller Rowland and a panel of international legal experts including Prof. Daniel Gervais, Bruce Rich, and Carlo Scollo Lavizarri considered how voluntary collective licensing is a proven way to use large collections of copyrighted materials with permission, and why AI technologies must address important concerns over equity, transparency, and authenticity.

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