Lynn RosenOn the minds of many publishers today is the challenge of branding.  Many an observer has noted the light touch of branding in the book business – After all, few readers ever ask for the latest book by Random House or HarperCollins.

At F+W Media, by contrast, president Sara Domville stresses branding within communities of content and readership.  In a recent Book Business interview, Domville told a reporter that successful branding starts with content, and content starts with editors. Those words and principles surely fell on fertile ground, as the reporter is an editor herself, one whose own publishing entity has just concluded a rebranding effort.

Successful branding “is about understanding who our customer is – in this case, our reader or our conference attendee – and about the commitment that we make to provide what they’re looking for,” Lynn Rosen, editorial director for NAPCO’s Publishing Business Group, tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.

“We are committed to providing high-quality content,” Rosen explains. “We are committed to provide strategic business analysis; to keep our readers on the edge of the latest trends; and at our conferences, to provide really meaty content that helps them move their businesses forward.”

Book Business LogoAs the Editorial Director for the Publishing Business Group, Lynn Rosen oversees publication of two trade industry magazines, Book Business and Publishing Executive, as well as a daily e-newsletter, Publishing Business Today. The group also runs workshops, webinars, and events, including the annual Publishing Business Conference & Expo in New York. Before joining the Publishing Business Group last May, Lynn Rosen was Director of Graduate Publishing Programs at Rosemont College.

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