Scholarly publishers have taken up a range of new approaches to strengthen relationships with researchers
Interviews with Kathryn Sharples, Pablo Palmeiro, and Ros Pyne
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Earlier this month, London Book Fair organizers announced cancellation of the 2020 program schedule for March 10-12. The news was disappointing, of course, though not unexpected at a time when the world is confronting the pandemic spread of the COVID-19 corona virus.
At Copyright Clearance Center, we recognize the difficulty in making the decision not to go ahead with this year’s London Book Fair given global health concerns. We also believe in the strength of the content we had prepared to present as well as the importance of information sharing for the publishing community.
Throughout March, CCC is delivering a series of virtual programming planned for London Book Fair presentations. For a complete schedule, please visit
This is a podcast edition for “A Common Lot and Lot in Common,” originally scheduled for the second day of London Book Fair 2020.
Researchers and publishers have much in common. Dr. Milka Kostic recently told the Scholarly Kitchen blog that both “want to make a difference – they want to advance human health and wellbeing, the health of our planet, and of our society.”
Spurred by the movement toward Open Access and Open Science, transformative agreements prescribe educational programs on open access publishing for scholars. On their own and with third-party vendors, publishers also provide editorial assistance, social media services and career development guidance.
Panelists Kathryn Sharples of Wiley, Pablo Palmeiro at Editage, and Ros Pyne with Springer Nature share with CCC’s Chris Kenneally how scholarly publishers have taken up a range of new approaches to strengthen relationships with researchers.
Kathryn Sharples is Senior Director for Open Access at Wiley. Kathryn has worked in variety of editorial roles across a number of physical sciences subject disciplines and now leads on Wiley’s global Open Access policy and growth strategies. She has also worked with colleagues on the early development and introduction of data sharing policies across the Wiley journal portfolio.
Pablo Palmeiro is Vice President, Publisher and Society Partnerships, with Editage, a division of Cactus Communications. Editage provides English-language editing and author support services to the academic and scholarly communities worldwide and has helped more than 449,000 authors in 191 countries to produce publication-ready documents. Pablo is a native Spanish speaker based in Amsterdam. He oversees relations with many publishing partners in Europe, US and Latin America.
Ros Pyne is Director, Open Access Books at Springer Nature. She started her career as a journals publishing editor at Palgrave Macmillan, and has since worked at Nature Publishing Group and Springer Nature in project management, policy and strategy roles with a focus on open access. She sits on the Universities UK OA Monographs group and is co-author of several reports on open access.