Laura RicciAcross all types of media, the onslaught of digital disruption typically prompts a defensive reaction. Publishers struggle to maintain their legacy business models, even as they must build out new models that are sustainable and scalable.

The digital challenge is nowhere more keenly felt than in scientific and scholarly publishing, where a revolution in free content and mandates for “Open Access” to information is upending centuries of tradition. Outsell, Inc., a research and advisory firm focused solely on media, information, and technology, has just published, Open Access: Market Size, Share, Forecast and Trends, a research paper with the latest analysis on this important trend. The complete report is now available for free from Copyright Clearance Center.

Recently, Outsell senior market analyst and the paper’s co-author Laura Ricci joined CCC’s Chris Kenneally to discuss highlights of what will be required reading in editorial offices across the globe.

“Open access publishing is here to stay, but its evolution and ability to overtake existing subscription models remains an open question,” says Ricci. “The movement continues to morph as it challenges traditional modes of scholarly publishing and changes the way most major players in the space approach their futures.”

As the scholarly publishing industry continues to test different publishing models to meet the growing demand for Open Access content. RightsLink from Copyright Clearance Center can help pubishers manage and simplify the Open Access business model they think works best. To learn more, go to

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