Andrew AlbaneseIt’s the Tao of Publishing in the Digital Age – the way to success flows from reconciling the combating forces of destruction and renewal. Put another way, satori is possible in a world of both clicks and mortar.

James McQuivey, vice-president and senior analyst at Forrester Research, has a take on the book trade in transition that many will likely find welcome.  Indeed, McQuivey’s new book, Digital Disruption: Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovationsingles out the publishing business for praise, hailing publishers for being “psychologically more open” to change, and for embracing the digital shift.

“Of course, there’s always a catch,” points out Andrew Albanese, senior writer at Publishers Weekly. “McQuivey is the author of an excellent book on theories of digital disruption—how it works and how we can take advantage of it—that will be published later this month by Amazon, a company some publishers might say embodies the term disruption,” he tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.

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