Josh CohenBilled as the world’s biggest book and media trade exposition, Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 opens tomorrow, Wednesday, October 10. As much as the book business is now a technology business, so the Frankfurt Book Fair is also a technology fair. Numerous start-ups are on hand to launch their products and services into the limitless digital space. One of these is whose interactive marketing platform seeks to address the overwhelming task that publishers and authors now face to promote and sell their content online.

“Ganxy helps busy authors and their publishers understand and connect with their audiences, and even sell and promote directly, right from their own websites, without a middleman,” Ganxy co-founder Josh Cohen tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “Any author or publisher with a web page, a blog, or a social media presence can use Ganxy’s tools to create a unified ‘showcase’ to effectively present books and other media.”

Ganxy LogoJosh Cohen has spent his career working in a variety of media spaces, including book publishing, music, and TV / film. He is the former CEO and co-founder of Germany-based iPharro Media, a pioneer in video-based content identification solutions, and has also held positions at Merrill Lynch, Bertelsmann, and MTV.

Copyright Clearance Center invites Frankfurt Book Fair attendees to join us for breakfast and a discussion on “Copyright Compliant Content Delivery & Open Access,” on Thursday, October 11, at Hall 4.2: Professional & Scientific Information Hotspot.

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