Michael HealyIn a networked world, every transaction between content creators and content users is a rights transaction. Copyright is everywhere. And though some would like to do so, no one in publishing and the media can afford to ignore the often-passionate debate and the complex issues that surround copyright today. Copyright questions impose themselves on every publishing business, and they affect how content is prepared, distributed, priced, acquired, used and re-used. A return to simpler times is impossible.

On Monday, October 8, Michael Healy, Executive Director, Author & Publisher Relations for Copyright Clearance Center, joins publishing industry leaders for a day-long Publishers Launch event in Frankfurt, just ahead of the Frankfurt Book Fair. Healy will speak on “Copyright Concerns Around the World,” reviewing recent copyright developments on all continents, and detailing the implications for publishers and users everywhere.

“Publishing today depends on technology, and technology is testing copyright laws in ways that lawmakers and lawyers never envisaged when they first framed and enacted those laws,” Healy tells his CCC colleague Chris Kenneally. “Publishers and other rightsholders need to monitor these issues very closely and, where appropriate, make their voices heard.”

Copyright Clearance Center invites Frankfurt Book Fair attendees to join us for breakfast and a discussion on “Copyright Compliant Content Delivery & Open Access,” on Thursday, October 11, at Hall 4.2: Professional & Scientific Information Hotspot. Michael also speaks at TOC Frankfurt, October 9, and at the Rights Express seminar, October 10.

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