From Stephen Colbert to Kirstie Alley, and Neil Young and to Patti Smith, the parade of authors, publishers and media through the Javits Convention Center in New York sparked commotion and conversation. Keeping busy throughout the week were Copyright Clearance Center executives and Publishers Weekly staff. So busy, in fact, they’ve taken the week off from the Friday podcast. In the meantime, check out all the BEA coverage at and

Among the coverage was a report on the growing value to publishers of rights clearance. In his comments on the panel “Protecting Your Titles: Building Out the Rights and Permissions Marketplace”, CCC’s Michael Healy noted, “You have to redefine the value chain in light of increased competition,” [PW reported] Healy told a nearly packed room of publishers, agents, and authors. Mobile and global consumers further complicate rights clearances. “Strive for authority and credibility. Licensing revenue opportunities are being overlooked, and lost savings are as well,” [Healy] added.

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