Víctor VázquezAn international conference slated for Geneva October 13-14 will examine the sometimes contentious relationship between copyright information and infrastructure, and access to knowledge. Organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization or WIPO, the two-day program will tackle questions related to so-called “orphan works” and the linkage between protecting intellectual property rights and preserving the public domain.

As part of special programming within Beyond the Book from RightsDirect, the European subsidiary of CCC, Victoriano Colodrón speaks with Víctor Vázquez, Senior Legal Counselor at the Culture and Creative Industries Sector of WIPO in Geneva, about why infrastructure questions are of paramount importance for copyright in 2011.

WIPO LogoThe same infrastructure and documentation that facilitates the exercise of copyright and related rights can also help the general public to facilitate access to knowledge, Vázquez explains, making for a commonality of interest whether examined from the perspective of rights owners, or from the viewpoint of public interest.

Vázquez and Colodrón are both scheduled speakers in the program, along with Maria Pallante, Register of Copyrights and Director, United States Copyright Office, and James Love of Knowledge Ecology International.

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