Rose FoxAndrew AlbaneseWelcome, everyone, to a new and very special Friday feature of CCC’s podcast series. Beginning today, CCC’s “Beyond the Book” will speak every week with the editors and reporters of “Publishers Weekly” for an early look at the news that publishers, editors, authors, agents and librarians will be talking about when they return to work on Monday.

The waves bringing e-books to publishing’s shores are coming faster, and growing higher. Andrew Albanese, PW’s Features Editor, reports that Amazon has announced a deal to turn the Kindle into a virtual library, while in a pair of courtrooms, litigants face off over digitization. He also has a rundown on the annual PW “Frankfurt Preview,” a showcase of pre-fair reporting including “Frankfurt Briefcase,” Rachel Deahl’s round-up of the titles agents and publishers plan to bring along.

Rose Fox, a PW reviews editor who blogs at Genreville, has highlights from the reviews pages, including a a rave review of Naomi Benaron‘s debut, RUNNING THE RIFT, which won the 2010 Bellwether Prize, and in nonfiction, a Q&A with Ellen DeGeneres, who explains how humor helps her get through hard times.

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