Through a new partnership with Editage, CCC’s RightsLink® platform is now able to facilitate critical research communication solutions.

Donald SamulackResearchers often choose to publish in an Open Access journal to ensure the maximum possible impact of their research findings, by making them widely available to peers, the public, and to policymakers. Yet publishing in an OA journal is only first step on the road to reaching the widest possible audience.

Through a new partnership with Cactus Communications division Editage, Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® platform is now able to facilitate critical research communication solutions.

According to Donald Samulack, Head, Global Stakeholder Engagement at Cactus Communications, the importance of promoting research through social media and other means can’t be overstated.

“The social strategies are so important – tweeting, using plain-language summaries, infographics, video summaries, and other things in a social sense,” explains Dr. Samulack, who is actively involved in supporting the publication needs of the academic and publishing communities.

“These can often be overlooked as ways to gain greater visibility for [an] article –

all linking back to the article of record with the hope that you have gained a greater audience and have influenced people, like adjacent peers, who may not have been aware of the research to begin with,” he says.

Editage and CCC expect that by leveraging research communication elements – such as a plain-language summary; an infographic; a video summary; or a research news story –the visibility of research is maximized.

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