Brian O’LearyAs cell phones, smart phones, netbooks and tablets become essential conduits to information for a mobile and collaborative global research community, they are beginning to shape the future direction of scientific and technical communication.

Ahead of his presentation to a one-day workshop co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS, Brian O’Leary of Magellan Media Consulting has revealing insights on what makes this corner of publishing different. “Both the creators of information and the consumers of information overlap significantly,” O’Leary notes.

Magellan Media Partners Logo“That creates an environment in which development of apps, dedicated data-driven devices, to send information both to and from a particular community, is a really good fit,” continues O’Leary. “An app, when it’s well developed, helps serve that purpose, because it helps a user distill and refine the limited data that they get.”

Mobile Computing: Delivering Content to the Research Community, gets underway November 18, 2010, at the National Archives, Washington, DC.

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