Noelle SkodzinskiWhat’s not to like? Top speakers; networking opportunities; ice cream breaks! Noelle Skodzinski, editorial director of Book Business and Publishing Executive magazines, explains the concept and opportunities for attendees of the forthcoming Publishing Business Virtual Conference and Expo (Sept. 16). With the emphasis on the virtual, she provides details behind “Digital Content Day @ Your Desk,” and what attendees can expect from attending this free virtual event.

One highlight, Skodzinski notes, is a keynote address from Mark Nelson, Strategic Partner Manager at Google, who will be interviewed by Debbie Stier, SVP, editor-at-large and director of digital marketing at HarperCollins Publishers, on the soon-to-be launched “Google Editions” that will allow users to buy digital copies of books they discover through Google’s book search, and enable book retailers to sell Google Editions through their own sites and share in the revenue from e-book sales

Nelson also will share his perspectives on the future of the book industry, among other important issues surrounding a shifting industry in which Google has been a dominant player.

The 2010 Publishing Business Virtual Conference & Expo, called “Digital Content Day @ Your Desk,” is a free event featuring a full day of sessions presented by industry-leading speakers focusing on maximizing digital content. Since the event is virtual, you can participate from your desk. Click here for more information or to register for this event..

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