Bill BurgerWhen it comes to typical conferences on the topic of copyright, four forces – technology, society, law, and the arts – interact to generate a charged debate. Conference organizer Bill Burger tells Chris Kenneally that OnCopyright 2010 will be different. For this “Collision of Ideas,” there will be a conversation rather than a confrontation.

“Many people get very charged up about copyright issues, and I think that leads to the stalemate that we’ve been witnessing,” says Burger. “It’s a little like what we see in Washington. People are unable to have a real conversation because they get their defenses up.”

On Copyright 2010 LogoPresented by Copyright Clearance Center, the all-day program comes to New York City’s Union League Club Wednesday, March 10, 2010, and features appearances by Google’s Bill Patry; author David Shields; and Australian video artist Pogo, among many others.

“Pogo is going to talk about his ideas around creativity and the art of appropriation,” Burger says, explaining that the artist creates challenging but entertaining videos (such as the one below) from well-known Hollywood films. “His work has the market effect of making people want to see the original work – it certainly has done that for me.”

Registration information for OnCopyright 2010 is here.

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