Ted Hill“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”

Unhappily, many working in the publishing industry know too well how swiftly this wry observation can become true.

The best way to keep your job in publishing is to open your mind to new ideas, says Ted Hill, chair of the Digital Book World Conference, coming to Manhattan’s Hilton Midtown Hotel, January 17 – 19, 2017.

Education and awareness are the keys to the effective adoption of new technologies and the emerging practices that support them,” Hill has written, and those are the principles that have guided his thinking – and re-thinking – for the DBW agenda.

In addition to serving as chair of the 2017 Digital Book World Conference, Ted Hill is Founder and President of THA Consulting. For more than 25 years, Ted has worked at the intersection of publishing and transformative technology with leading publishers as well as their technology partners. In addition, Ted served for 10 years on the Board of Directors of the Book Industry Study Group.

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