Fundamental to scholarly publishing – as the originator, the creator of valued content – is the researcher.  Once upon a time, researchers lay in the shadows, but are forgotten no more.

A good deal of the credit goes to the rise of open access business models, particularly the management of article processing charges, which add the role of customer to the role of creator.  This shift has sparked a wave of entrepreneurial innovation among publishers as well as third-party players, prompting a range of new service offerings that enhance the user experience, build community and brand loyalty, and generate new revenues.

Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Open Access Town Hall Panel

With Open Access a fact-of-life for scholarly publishing business models in 2016, many are now asking – and answering – the big question: As OA moves us to an author-centric environment, how do we make our business stronger? Earlier this month at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Copyright Clearance Center hosted its annual Town Hall on Open Access. Panelists shared insights and best practices across the full range of stakeholders, from researchers and publishers to funders and institutions.

Participants included Betsy Donohue, Digital Science; Alice Meadows, ORCID; Brandon Nordin, American Chemical Society; Vitek Tracz, F1000; and Kate Worklock, Outsell. CCC’s Chris Kenneally moderated the discussion.

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