Andrew AlbaneseOver the last several months, Copyright Clearance Center has produced programs to inform authors and publishers – in the US and around the world – about the choices they face over the proposed settlement in the landmark Google Books case. Because it is a class action lawsuit that pulls together thousands of rightsholders with published works going back decades – and because it involves the world’s leading Internet company – the so-called “Google Books Settlement” focuses concern about the future of book publishing in ways that almost no other story in the business has for years. The deadline for when rightsholders must act – Friday, September 4, 2009 – is approaching fast.

Publishers Weekly LogoLate last week, Christopher Kenneally had an opportunity to learn from Andrew Albanese, Features Editor for Publishers Weekly about a survey of its readers asking penetrating questions about the Google case. What authors, publishers and librarians said is revealing, though he cautioned, “It’s worth noting that the deal will be approved or rejected by a judge, not a vote.”

In the days ahead, Beyond the Book will repeat a series of programs featuring Michael Healy and Allan Adler, two leading figures in the Google Books Settlement, as well as Lois Wasoff, one of the nation’s most respected experts on copyright law and publishing.

And on Wednesday, September 23, CCC will present a free Webinar with the very latest news about the settlement. Beyond the Book and will provide details about how to register for that free program in coming weeks.

SharedBook LogoSharedBook has created
a community platform to facilitate
an independent discussion of the
proposed Google Books Settlement.

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