Publishing in 2016 is a technology business. That’s been true for some time, of course.

Yet the technology-driven approach to business is profoundly and fundamentally different from traditional publishing practices.  How can and will scholarly publishers reconcile that dichotomy?  How should a publisher harness today’s dynamic digital environment in order to drive innovation?

PSP Innovation Panel

Those were the questions recently put to the opening plenary panel at the 2016 PSP Annual Conference that CCC’s Chris Kenneally recently moderated. The group accepted as obvious that technology is playing an increasingly central role in the publishing business. Grounded in real-world experiences, they examined how to approach innovation and change without losing focus, especially when job roles have evolved from the very well-defined to more open and ambigious.

Panelists were Kent R. Anderson, Founder, Caldera Publishing Solutions; Phil Faust, Vice President/Publisher, Research Databases, Gale/Cengage Learning; and Sarah Tegen, Vice President, Global Editorial & Author Services, Journals Publishing Group, American Chemical Society.

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