Laura N. GasawayIf you’re confused about copyright, then you’re beginning to understand the problem. Yet when facing a thorny question on ownership, rights, licenses and enforcement, the answers now fit in a back pocket.

From the basics of copyright protection to the challenges of the digital environment, the Pocket Copyright Guide for Publishers has 122 concise and comprehensive pages of responses to copyright’s persistent questions. Authors and publishers can rely on every reply because Laura N. Gasaway respects balance as the first principle of copyright.

Pocket Copyright Guide for Publishers“I have always believed that balance is the most important part of copyright and that we all need to pay attention to balance,” says Gasaway, who is Paul B. Eaton Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Law. “I have been distressed when I’ve heard publishers state that they get to control totally how their work is used – and I have to say, ‘No, that’s not true.’ And when I hear users and libraries saying, ‘Well, everything is fair use, and we can do what we want with it’ –  I have to ask, ‘How do you think that works?’”

In addition to teaching and writing, “Lolly” Gasaway co-chaired the Section 108 Study Group – concerning exceptions to copyright for libraries and archives –for the U.S. Copyright Office and Library of Congress from 2005-2008. She is also a past president of the American Association of Law Libraries.

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