Peter McCarthyKristin NelsonJon FineAs the independent publishing boom swells further, more authors are seizing the opportunity to take control of their writing careers. And while that move may offer potential for greater financial reward and even greater personal satisfaction, it means more work, too. Plenty, in fact!

An author today is a one-person publishing start-up, serving as his or her own editorial staff, design team, and marketing department. The author in 2014 is CEO – not to mention COO, CTO, CIO and CMO!

uPubU LogoAt uPublish U – a one-day, DIY-publishing conference at BookExpo America for authors and indie publishers – CCC’s Chris Kenneally queried a panel of experts who offered insights and ideas on how “indie authors” can take charge of their publishing business – and when to let go and consider bringing in the support! Joining him were Jon Fine, Director of Author and Publishing Relations, Amazon.comKristin Nelson Nelson Literary Agency, LLC literary agent (most famously for Hugh Howey); and Peter McCarthy, co-founder, The Logical Marketing Agency.

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